Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeDr. Venkateswara Rao Amara


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Dr. Venkateswara Rao Amara

Assistant Professor

Department of Regulatory Toxicology

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research Hajipur,

Bihar India – 844 102

E-mail: venkat[dot]amara[at]niperhajipur[dot]ac[dot]in;

Faculty CV

Degree/Certificate College/University Years of Study %/CGPA Division/rank
PhD (Pharmacology & Toxicology) NIPER S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab 2011-16 9/10 NA
M.S. (Pharm.) (Pharmacology & Toxicology) NIPER Guwahati, Assam 2009-11 8.78/10 First rank in university
B. Pharmacy Sri Vasavi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, affiliated to Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh (A.P.) 2005-09 83.32% First rank in university
Intermediate (Class XI & XII) Vignana Bharathi Junior College, affiliated to Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. 2003-05 97.5% 8th rank in the state
Class X Ushodaya Public School, affiliated to Board of Secondary Education, A.P. 2002-03 90.83% First rank in town (Chirala, A.P.)

Research Areas
Dr. Amara applies knowledge of biomedical science, pharmacology and toxicology to unravel the molecular pathology of disease and explore novelpharmacological interventionsto address renal, hepatic and vascular injury associated with metabolic&nonmetabolic diseases as well as drug-induced toxicity and adverse effects, contributing valuable insights to the broader field of biomedical science.

Research areas of interest:

  • Metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus, obesity, NAFLD
  • Nephropathy and hypertension
  • Drug-induced toxicity and hypertension
  • Nonclinical evaluation of efficacy and safety of pharmaceuticals


Period Organization Position
Apr 2023 –Dec 2023 Meharry Medical College, USA Biochemical research associate
Jan 2022 – Apr 2023 Meharry Medical College, USA Postdoctoral fellow
Sep 2019 – Dec 2021 Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA Postdoctoral fellow
Apr 2018 – Sep 2019 North Dakota State University, USA Postdoctoral fellow
July 2017 – Apr 2018 Laila Nutraceuticals, India Research associate
May 2017 – July 2017 Sivanaray Inc., India Research assistant


Research grants

  • NIH – NIMHD – RCMI Program in Health Disparities Research at Meharry Medical College Pilot Project, ‘Mechanism of Hypoxia-mediated APOL1 Expression in Human Podocytes’ (Unique Federal Award Identification Number: U54MD007586)


  1. Sun Pharma Science Scholar Award-2016 for Young Scientists in the field of Bio-medical sciences, held on Apr 28th, 2017 in New Delhi
  2. OD Gulati Prize for best oral presentation in IPSCON 2016 organized by Indian Pharmacological Society held at PGIMER, Chandigarh
  3. Gold medal and cash prize – First rank during M.S. (Pharm.)
  4. All India Rank-1in Biological Sciences stream in NIPER-PhD JAT-2011
  5. Sri Nageswara Rao Pantulu gold medal – Andhra University First rank during B. Pharm.
  6. E. Venkata Rao Shastiabdi Poorthi Prize – Andhra University First rank during B. Pharm.
  7. D. Visweswaram Shastiabdi Poorthi Prize – Andhra University First rank during B. Pharm.
  8. Pharmacy Dept. Silver Jubilee Prize of Andhra University –Andhra University first rank during B.Pharm.
  9. IDMA-J.B.Mody award was awarded on Jan 7th, 2011inJW Marriott hotel, Mumbai
  10. National Merit Scholarship, Pratibha award (scholarship, gold medal) and Student Federation of India memento – State 8th rank and district 2nd rank in Intermediate


  1. Gold medalby school – Town (Chirala) first in X class
  2. ICMR-2011 (Life Sciences)-92nd rank
  3. CSIR-UGC NET Dec 2011-12th rank in Lectureship category
  4. GATE 2011 (Life Sciences)-289th rank (97.8 percentile)
  5. GATE 2009 (Pharmacy) – 177th rank (99.26 percentile)
  6. Completed distance learning course “General course on Intellectual Property” of World Intellectual Property Organization Worldwide Academy (Mar 1 to Apr 15, 2010)

Membership in Professional Associations/Societies

  1. Life Member of Indian Pharmacological Society (LV-209)
  2. Registered with Andhra Pradesh state Pharmacy Council (63086/A1)

Peer reviewer for journals

  1. Medicine® of Lippincott® publisher
  2. Toxicology and Forensic Medicine of Openventio publishers

Media reports

  1. Research abstract in Sun Pharma Science Foundation website (Feb 2017).
  2. Journal news in ASBMB Today magazine (Dec 2016). Metformin reverses metabolicmemory in a diabetes model.
  3. Research highlight innatureINDIA(Sep 2016). Metformin, diet tweak to treat diabetic renal damage

Research Publications

Sl. No. Title
1. Bock F, Dong X, Elias BC, Parekh DV, Mernaugh G, Viquez OM, Hassan A, Amara VR, Liu J, Brown KL, Terker AS, Chiusa M, Leslie S. Gewin, Fogo AB, Brakebusch CH, Pozzi A, Zent R (2021). Rac1 controls epithelial collecting duct integrity by constraining actomyosin activity. Journal of Cell Biology 220(11): e202103080.
2. Ajayi EIO, Molehin OR, Oloyede OI, Kumar V, Amara VR, Kaur J, Karpe PA& Tikoo K (2019). Liver mitochondrial membrane permeability modulation in insulin-resistant, uninephrectomised male rats by Clerodendrum volubile P. Beauv and Manihot esculenta Crantz. Clinical Phytoscience5(31):1-9
3. Amara VR, Surapaneni SK, Tikoo K (2018). Metformin attenuates cardiovascular and renal injury in uninephrectomized rats on DOCA-salt: Involvement of AMPK and miRNAs in cardioprotection. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology362:95-104
4. Amara VR, Surapaneni SK, Tikoo K (2017). Dysregulation of micro-RNAs and rennin-angiotensin system in high salt diet-induced cardiac dysfunction in uninephrectomized rats PLOS One 12(7): e0180490.
5. Tikoo K*, Sharma E*, Amara VR* Pamulapati H, Dhawale VS (2016). Metformin improves metabolic memory in high fat diet (HFD)-induced renal dysfunction. Journal of Biological Chemistry291: 21848-21856. (*contributed equally).
6. Dhawale VS, Amara VR, Karpe PA, Malek V, Patel D, Tikoo K (2016). Activation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) attenuates allergic airway inflammation in rat asthma model. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 306: 17-26.
7. Abhikumar TT, Sujit RT, Sivakumar G, Amara VR, Tikoo K, Prabha G and Prasad VB (2016). BiAnaCA: A Freely Accessible Tool for Data Analysis of End-Point Biochemical Assay. Journal of Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology 1: 104.
8. Augustine BB, Dash S, Lahkar M, Amara VR, Samudrala PK, Thomas JM (2014). Evaluation of immunomodulatory activity of ethyl acetate extract of Leucas aspera in swiss albino mice. International Journal of Green Pharmacy 8(2):84-89